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Welcome to LEELAB
Research Group of Chemistry of Nanomaterials at Department of Chemistry (Chungnam National University).

​안녕하십니까? 충남대학교 화학과 나노소재화학연구실입니다.

​주소: 충남대학교 자연과학대학 4호관; 203호 (이재범 교수님); 204호 (오피스), 213-214 (Lab)


Magnetoplasmonics, Nanomaterials, Chirality, Electrochemistry, Sensors



We are an international, interdiscliplinary, research-oriented team of researchers led by Prof. Jaebeom Lee at the Department of Chemistry, Chungnam National University.

Our current research targets includes:

- Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, especially iron-based materials (FeSe, magneto-plasmonic nanostructures).

- Optical, electrochemical and catalytic properties of nanomaterials and semiconductors with regards to sensing, supercapacitors and other applications.

- Computational simulations of material properties including COMSOL and DFT.

  Recruitment notice  

We are currently looking for a postdoc or early career faculty member to work with us on quantum dot synthesis, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy. If you are interested, please email me (

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Lab: 042-821-7506

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